Self-care tips to take into 2023

Going into 2023 we want to help all social workers feel empowered and one way of doing this is to practise self-care. In this blog, we share industry insight into the best ways to prioritise your mental health as a busy social worker.


Say no

We know there are a lot of people relying on you, and sometimes it may feel like you have the world on your shoulders. However, it’s OK to say no to that extra task that you don’t have the time or mental capacity for. It doesn’t make you a bad person, rather the opposite in fact – just think, if you  were to take on too many cases then your clients wouldn’t get the energy and time they deserve. Being overstretched is not only bad for service users, but also your mental health, so be sure to protect your energy and only take on additional work where you have the capacity.

Listen to your body 

If you’re constantly feeling fatigued, anxious or stressed then your body could be trying to tell you something. Pay attention to your body and mind’s needs and take a break when necessary to prevent burnout. Again, there’s no point soldiering on if you’re not going to be able to perform at 100%.

Ask for help 

Don’t suffer in silence, seek help from your supervisor if you’re uncertain about something and consider asking for feedback now and again so you can improve your skills.

Limit social media and news intake 

Although it’s good to stay up to date on happenings in the industry, it can be disheartening at times. Keep your chin up and remind yourself of all the amazing work you’re doing to improve lives everyday and don’t allow yourself to get bogged down in the negative coverage. We recommend setting a time limit on certain apps such as Twitter, Instagram and BBC News so that it doesn’t take up all of your headspace.

Spend time with your friends

As an adult it can be easy to brush your social life aside, especially when your friends all have different schedules and busy careers, but spending time with those you love can help boost serotonin levels and help you switch off after a busy day. Make sure to regularly check in on your friends, and we’re sure the support will be reciprocated!

Remember, even in a profession where you are required to care for others, it is vital to care for yourself first. We hope you had a lovely Christmas break and are ready to boss the year ahead!

Want to chat? Get in touch via [email protected] – we’re always happy to help with career advice, job enquiries and everything in between.

carlette Isaac

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