APSCo Compliance + Accreditation

After a gruelling audit, we are thrilled to announce that we have been awarded the Compliance+ accreditation from APSCo. This is a special accreditation to show that we go above and beyond the industry standard for compliance. There are very few agencies out there with this prestigious awarding, so please know you are working with one of the elite. We are extremely proud that as, still a relatively young agency, we are putting ourselves at the top of the market amongst our seasoned competitors.

Our brilliant team work very hard every day to make sure that every single worker has had all the proper checks, and all the paperwork needed to deem them safe for work. We appreciate registering with an agency can create a lot of admin, but it’s all for good reason, as I’m sure you will agree given the nature of the work you undertake. We hope you always feel supported by the compliance during this process (your feedback often tells us that you are!) and that we make it as stress-free as possible for you.

So please join us in a big round of a applause for Fiona, Sibel, Joseph and Katie for helping us achieve this outstanding accreditation.

If you’d like to know more about the APSCo process and their Compliance +, you can read about it on their website:


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